TOYP Nominations 2018

05 Feb 2018
President JCI Galway By President JCI Galway

The TOYP (Ten Outstanding Young Persons) Awards serves to formally recognise young people who excel in their chosen fields and exemplify the best attributes of our local young people. Nominations are currently opened until the 27th of March 2018.


  • Business, economic, and/or entrepreneurial accomplishment
  • Political, legal, and/or governmental affairs
  • Academic leadership and/or accomplishment
  • Cultural achievement
  • Moral and/or environmental leadership
  • Contribution to children, world peace, and/or human rights
  • Humanitarian and/or voluntary leadership
  • Scientific and/or technological development
  • Personal improvement and/or accomplishment
  • Medical innovation

We hope this year we can get another one of our young leaders to India to represent us at the JCI World Congress in Goa.