JCI Galway

The JCI Galway Council is the Board of Directors responsible for running the Local Organisation on behalf of members and each year a new board is elected with the President having one year to lead.

JCI Galway Council 2024

The JCI Galway structure works from the President of the Local Organisation, the Board Members, Committee Members, and Members.

Min Min Tan
Ben O'Sullivan
Deputy President/Director of International Relations
Alex Kelly
Director of Business
Pei Ru (Rita) Lin
Community Director
Carol Ho
Director of Finance
Dean Swift
Immediate Past President
Fazeelat Nandgadi
Public relations
Hicham Altit
Membership director
Oluwadamilola (Dami) Soyemi
IT Director

JCI Galway Council 2023

The JCI Galway structure works from the President of the Local Organisation, the Board Members, Committee Members, and Members.

Dean Swift
MinMin Tan
Deputy President
International Officer
Sicily Zheng
Community Officer
Justine Leung
IT Officer
Bimi Felix
Immediate Past President

JCI Galway Council 2022

The JCI Galway structure works from the President of the Local Organisation, the Board Members, Committee Members, and Members.

Bimi Felix
Sonia Lin
Deputy President
Jamie MCcracken
Deputy President & Business Officer
Renée McGuinness
Membership Officer
Aditya Sharma
Community Officer
Alma Gonzalez
International Officer
Mugdha Kowale-Patil
Training Officer
Justine Leung
Public Relations Officer
Jiamin Tan
Soyemi Damilola
IT Officer
Louise Lally
Immediate Past President

JCI Galway Council 2021

Louise Lally
Bimi Felix
Deputy President
Martina Carroll
Finance Officer
Dr. Yuqi Shaughnessy
Business Officer
Aditya Sharma
Community Officer
Justine Leung
International Officer
Winny Cheang
Public Relations Officer
Lindy Wong
IT Officer
Colleen Baxter
Immediate Past President

JCI Galway Council 2020

Colleen Baxter
Fergus O'Donoghue
Finance Officer
Masha Jassal
Business Officer
Dominick Whelan
Community Officer
Andrew Irwin
International Officer
Grace Wang
Public Relations Officer
Lindy Wong
Training Officer
Carol Ho
Membership Officer
Keith Killilea
Immediate Past President

JCI Galway Council 2019

Keith Killilea
Colleen Baxter
Deputy President
Anuj Agarwal
Deputy President
Dominick Whelan
Community Officer
Andrew Irwin
International Officer
Sinéad Ní Mheallaign
Training Officer
Colleen Baxter
Public Relations Officer
Anuj Agarwal
Business Officer
Carol Ho
Immediate Past President
Catherine Laffey
President Advisor & Mentor

JCI Galway Council 2018

Carol Ho
Keith Killilea
Finance Officer
Marie Scully
Membership Officer
Jason O'Sullivan
Legal Officer
Shane Dunne
Community Officer
Dominick Whelan
Immediate Past President
Keira Keogh
President Advisor & Mentor

JCI Galway Council 2017

Dominick Whelan
Sara Gilligan
Deputy President
Brian Travers
Finance Officer
Jason O'Sullivan
Legal Officer
Oliva Lavelle
Public Relations Officer
Cathal Dullea
International Officer
Cathal Dullea
Community Officer
Keith Killilea
Immediate Past President

JCI Galway Council 2016

Keith Killilea
Dominick Whelan
Deputy President
Claire Fingleton
Finance Officer
Dominick Whelan
Community & Admin Officer
Trevor Seery
Digital Officer
Jess Furney
Training & Events Officer
Louise Durcan
Public Relations Officer
Sara Gilligan
Membership Officer
Ronan Walsh
Immediate Past President

JCI Galway Council 2015

Ronan Walsh
Keith Killilea
Deputy President
Trevor Seery
Finance Officer
Laura Rigney
Business Officer
Shane Coppinger
Training Officer
Sinéad Ní Mheallaign
Public Relations Officer
Dominick Whelan
Community & Admin Officer
Garry Lohan
Immediate Past President

JCI Galway Council 2014

Back Row L to R: Shane Coppinger, Public Relations; Trevor Seery, Social Media, Garry Lohan, President; Keith Killilea, Web; Ronan Walsh, Membership

From Row L to R: Laura Rigney, Leadership and Training; Nadine Conrad, Patronage; Siobhán McIntyre, Sports and Social

Missing from Photo: Olivia Hayes, Immediate Past President; Ray Flaherty, Finance

JCI Galway Council 2013

Back Row L to R: Public Relations Officer Shane Madigan, Training Officer Ray Flaherty, Finance Officer Garry Lohan.

From Row L to R: Immediate Past President: Anne Marie Shanahan, President: Olivia Hayes, Membership & Patronage Officer Nadine Conrad.