JCI Galway Membership

07 Jul 2019
President JCI Galway By President JCI Galway


Since the establishment of JCI Galway in 1961, we have served as a leadership training platform to encourage young people to be active citizens and create positive change in several areas including individual, international, community, and business. 

Junior Chamber is an International volunteer NGO organisation with opportunities for members to gain personal improvements & business experiences by being an active citizen. We run mulitple training programmes from official JCI Courses to business training, workshops covering social media to personal development and empowering you with experiences that would otherwise be difficult to obtain. Junior Chamber is for 18 to 40 year olds and we welcome everyone to join regardless what industry your in. 

We give members opportunities to grow, upskill in areas that might not be possible at work or other groups and a common pattern for all members is the new friendships that is formed through JCI. 

Part of the experience of being a member of Junior Chamber Galway is taking action and being active, which we have various annual projects from the Ten Outstanding Young Persons to the Friendly Business Awards, the Galway Tourist Guide and many more. We also hold Social Events for members to get to know each other and for networking. 

For the rest of 2019 we have extended our Prospective Membership to the end of 2019 for new members to join JCI Galway and you can apply for membership on the website. If you got any questions, just go to the contact page and ask any of our Council Members your questions or submit your questions in the contact form.